when the stars come around and cover the skyi want you to be nigh...come 2007, we would be oneget up and do suray namashkar,i am yours in every akar (shape)i wil buy u a car and we will go on a date...this will be day, when my lovely will never hate..this is not a testimonial, just a thought...so what, we are always on the plot!!
. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .4 lifeALWAYS!!! (6/25/2006)
Days r Days and Nights r Nights..One thing for sure, Victory is in sightYOU are U and I am ME, soon, We will become WEStill, Days will be days and Nights will be Nights....Happy Future is what we wil suffice!! (4/24/2006)
Come 2006,You and I were a hit.Holy chastity and smile is a blissPersonal care and self groomingLove and satisfaction are self achieving Wish I reach the end, Love and you growing harder within!!All Luck!! (3/13/2006)
. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .4 lifeALWAYS!!! (6/25/2006)
Days r Days and Nights r Nights..One thing for sure, Victory is in sightYOU are U and I am ME, soon, We will become WEStill, Days will be days and Nights will be Nights....Happy Future is what we wil suffice!! (4/24/2006)
Come 2006,You and I were a hit.Holy chastity and smile is a blissPersonal care and self groomingLove and satisfaction are self achieving Wish I reach the end, Love and you growing harder within!!All Luck!! (3/13/2006)